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Eastcoastcam last won the day on October 18 2021

Eastcoastcam had the most liked content!

About Eastcoastcam

  • Birthday 07/18/1973

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  • Vehicle
    2006 Heep

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  1. I will try to make it out if I can
  2. so were you lonely, or did ffolksmake it out to visit you there? I was in Elmsdale for soccer this evening...
  3. Ready for M.U.D. :) !
  4. There is no chance I would be able to make it out anywhere tonight anyways... 2 soccer games at near the same times at 2 different locations... at least the earlier start is on the way to the later one...
  5. Putting a new track bar in the TJ tonight, and getting ready for Saturday. I won't be making it.
  6. Coffee this week, Bayer's Lake. Bayer's Lake this week for coffee. ;) Does that clear the confusion for this week? :smiley-laughing021:
  7. Geez, I should never have sold the :fuk: Stupid Pontiac :fuk: ... it would have been perfect :P !
  8. Did you really expect the tuner kids to recognize a Scout ;) ? lol! We stopped in to Fall River for a coffee... Holy Bikes! ...and a nice old Nissan 350Z, an old white Dodge Van (looked like it ran into a wall :P and a 50s Mercury pickup were in the parking lot B)
  9. They are like kids when they don't get their way sometimes :P !
  10. As it stands right now, I am planning to be there.
  11. I'll pick you guys up on my way by ;) ...
  12. May want to make its own thread so that people can be sure to see it. I may be out. Unsure what is going on this Thursday yet.
  13. They are in Quebec at the moment.
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