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Rescue / Stuck

Post your info here if you are stuck and in need of help. Members who have volunteered for rescue will be notified immediately.

Rescue Forum Usage / Guidelines

If you are stuck and in need of rescue / help post a new thread in this forum including details such as location, contact information (phone preferred), vehicle, number of occupants, etc. Post using the following format:

  • Location. Where are you stuck?
  • Vehicle. What are you driving?
  • Situation. Are you alone? Still on four wheels? Buried? Vehicle running? Vehicle broken?
  • Phone number. We need to be able to contact you.
  • Name. What did your mother call you?
  • Injuries. Is anyone injured or in need of medical attention?

Members who volunteer to do recovery runs will be immediately notified of your thread and can coordinate the rescue effort by making new posts in your thread.

If you would like to be notified of new threads in the rescue / help forum click the "follow this forum" button in the upper right corner of the forum screen then choose "An email when new content is posted" and click "follow this forum". You will be sent an email whenever a new thread is created.

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